This is probably one of the biggest problems people come to me with. I think of jumping as an invasion of my personal space and lack of respect from the dog, at ANY age. It is not “attention seeking” or “just being friendly”. The bottom line is that the dog has not learned some basic respect and that the people are the leaders. I also see jumping up as the dog's attempt to get "higher". Dogs are literalists. In their world the "higher you are, the higher you are in social status.” This is why so many times, when dogs greet each other, one dog will try to stand on the other’s shoulders or back. Do you have any friends with little dogs (especially terriers) that run to the back of the sofa when you come in the door then they start to bark at you? This pup may be really friendly, but friendly doesn't mean he respects people. The same can be true for other dogs, too!