Saturday Night Doggie Cotillion!  Part One

Saturday Night Doggie Cotillion!  Part One

Almost every call I get, a voice on the other end of the phone says, “I just want my dog to be able to get along with any dog and be happy!” While this is not an unreasonable desire, it is probably not realistic for every dog. To understand why, we need to look at just who dogs are and where they came from. Often, I incorporate discussion with my clients about the wolf pack and the inherent traits dogs have from the wolves.

Saturday Night Doggie Cotillion Part Two

Saturday Night Doggie Cotillion Part Two

Last week we established two things; first, that a pack remains somewhat consistent throughout the wolf lifespan; and second, that dogs relate to humans like pack members, we can now understand some basic canine behavior. What that means for our modern domesticated dog is that frequent changes in the social pack are not normal for any canine.

A Doggie Christmas Tail

A Doggie Christmas Tail

Years ago, when my daughter was about 12, we brought into our home a wonderful dog named Tazzi.  She was half Rottweiler and half German Shepherd.  I couldn’t think of a better dog that was half and half of my favorite breeds.  And, as time would go on, I truly came to know her incredible talents. Tazzi was my first Search and Rescue Dog.

Dog to Dog Meeting and Greeting

Dog to Dog Meeting and Greeting

In today’s world our dogs are put in a position that dogs from my childhood never had to face.   When I was a kid, we had one dog.  The few people that had dogs only had one dog.  We didn’t take her to day-care, dog parks or even boarding.  People that owned dogs didn’t really have much need to socialize their dogs with other dogs.  There just weren’t that many dogs around.

The Growing Problem of Dog to Dog Aggression

The Growing Problem of Dog to Dog Aggression

Particular to our environment in the Wood River Valley, we have access to so much public land with hiking trails that never end our thirst for getting back to nature.  That thirst is unmatched except in our desire to take our dogs with us. While the endless trails give us a sense of relaxation and exhilaration all at the same time, we want the same for our dogs.

Dog Safety During Hunting Season

It’s HERE! The joy of fall is upon us with unmatched beauty throughout the Wood River Valley and the Stanley.

Dog Relationships Take Time

Dog Relationships Take Time

How simple life would be if our dog would just like every dog and person they meet!  But, the reality is that just like people, most dogs need to learn to trust each other.  Once in a while, there is a dog out there that just loves everyone and every dog immediately.  But, the fact is more dogs need to have time to learn to trust other dogs, and people too!

Dog Ragers

Dog Ragers

“Could you please call your dog?”   “He just wants to say, Hi!” “Please put your dog on a leash! He’s scaring my puppy!” “You BITCH!” Recognize yourself or an experience you have had?  Not a day goes by that I am not approached by someone with a story about someone else’s off leash dog that has not only approached, but aggressed their dog or puppy that is on a leash.

What is a “Dog Friendly Community?”

What is a “Dog Friendly Community?”

I was shocked to hear from a client that was training his dog on a long line that other dog owners were bullying him to let his puppy off the leash!  He responded that, “My dog is a puppy and won’t come when she is called!”  The other dog owners continued to berate and bully my client saying that the dog should be allowed off leash.

Dog Bullies

Dog Bullies

We all remember that kid in school with a gang behind him that bullied someone who was a bookworm, or wore glasses, or even just didn’t have the cool clothes.  The bully had to prove he or she was stronger, cooler, or just wanted a good laugh.  We are all aware of the cyber bullying going on in schools now with the proliferation of cell phones resulting in the emotional devastation to the victims.  Well, in the dog world things are not much different.