Kudos to Valley Dog Owners!

I have been spending a lot of time this summer driving back and forth, up and down the valley and through our lovely towns.  I have to say I have been most impressed with the plethora of incredibly responsible dog owners that have their dogs on leashes while walking through town!  It is such a joy to see nicely behaved dogs walking on leashes in heavy summer traffic and busy parks!  Compared to a few years ago, when I almost never saw a leash on a dog in town, this is WONDERFUL!  

Koehler or Force Free and Intimidation Free Dog Training?

Anyone looking for help with training their dog will instantly look toward the internet.  Without any prior experience, a new dog owner is quickly overwhelmed by the information available.  And, of course, there is something for everyone.  There are trainers/books/websites that are old die hard “Koehler” method trainers that are primarily compulsion based trainers.  And there are those that boast “Intimidation Free and Force Free” training using only positive reinforcement. 

Kalidor’s Puppy Diary Week 6

Kalidor is now almost 16 weeks old and the critical imprinting time is just about over.  So far, he has learned to sit for petting, sit to come out of his crate, sit at all doors going in or coming out. He knows how to “Leave it” with food on the floor or in my hand.  He is not jumping on people.  He comes to his name even when he is playing with the other dogs.  He sits and does down.  He also watches me on command even in public. I have had him out in public where there are no loose dogs I do not know, but have first checked with our veterinarian to be sure there is no parvo in the valley. 

Kalidor’s Big Adventure – On the Road To Santa Rosa

This week, Kalidor and I,  along with two friends and a doggie puppy friend are headed to Santa Rosa to a Michael Ellis, Puppy Development Trainer’s School; an intense program for puppies to learn, grow and develop a solid foundation for further enthusiastic training in competitive sports and as well adjusted pets. While I have no personal interest in protection, agility, or competitive obedience at this time in my life, I do want Kalidor to thrive in the sport of tracking.

Kalidor – On the Road To Santa Rosa, The First Part of the Journey

Indeed, what an adventure!  Almost 15 hours in the car just one way!  I have to say, Kalidor was a great traveler.  Not a peep out of him except for playing in his water bucket in the crate when he got bored.  And going into strange motel rooms with his folding crate was a breeze.   So, how did that happen that he was such a good traveler?  I did many things to encourage that. First, he was crate trained WELL before our trip.  He was happy in a crate and knew great things come in his crate:  his dinner, special treats, and sleep time.

Kalidor – On the Road to Santa Rosa, Learning with Michael Ellis

The journey to The Michael Ellis School for Dog Trainers was long and grueling but, the puppies were so well behaved in the car!  When we pulled in at 10 p.m. at night, I was so grateful Kalidor has the temperament to just settle in, eat his late dinner, then hop in his crate in this wildly new motel environment and just go to sleep. Wow! Our week with Michael Ellis unfolded with every day bringing new experiences with all sorts of new people with all levels of experiences with dogs.

Kalidor’s Puppy Diary Week 1

As many of my clients know, I am bringing home a puppy this Thanksgiving week.  He will be the first puppy for ME in 7 years! There have been a lot of puppies in this house, but all have been service dog candidates. His name is Kalidor. He is a 9 weeks old, long coat, black German Shepherd.  I want to dispel the myth that puppies will take months to house-train to stop biting, and that obedience training shouldn’t start until a puppy is 6 -8 months old!  I thought what might be fun is for my readers to see what I do with my puppies in a weekly diary!

Kalidor’s Puppy Diary Week 5

Kalidor has been cruising right along learning all kinds of things including imprinting of behaviors I want to see the rest of his life.  I have until he is 16 weeks old to teach him those vital things. Who he will be is a combination of genetics and experiences.  Critical to me is the sport of competition tracking, so Kalidor has already had many experiences on the tracking field. More critically, is that I want Kalidor to focus on me with a calm, confident manner so he learns to “defer” to me in my leadership.

Kalidor’s Puppy Diary Week 4

Kalidor has been going new places almost every day and meeting someone new every day.  Socialization is so important, especially for a German Shepherd. This CONTROLLED socialization must occur very young, and hopefully before a puppy reaches 16 weeks of age. It should be with people and other friendly, adult dogs.  All of these interactions happen on a loose leash.   There is a critical imprinting period up to that 16 week marker.

Kalidor’s Puppy Diary Week 3

Kalidor has learned his basic manners. He has not jumped on anyone since day two.  I will not pet him or give him any reward for jumping up, EVER.  He sits politely to go in or out a door including his crate. He has also stopped running through my legs.  He almost tripped me many times the first 3 days.  Imagine what would have happened had I allowed that behavior and he weighed 65 pounds!  He would have knocked me over!  I stopped the running between my legs by just gently squeezing my legs together so he couldn’t pass through.