Learn and Love Your Dog

Anyone who reads this is obviously interested in learning more about their dog and their relationship with their dog.  Sometimes, we get passive and get into a routine –whatever it is.  Even walks in our gorgeous outdoors can become routine for us and our dog.  Many times, we start multi-tasking.  I can’t tell you the number of people I see with their dog at the dog park or a nearby trail with their hands on their cell phone texting or just talking without any thought to their dog.  In the meantime, the dog has escalated from play into bullying other dogs, or even aggression with people while the owner has no idea what is happening.  When someone says something about not paying attention, that person on their cell phone becomes defensive or belligerent.  

It is a priceless moment in time, when we get to spend it with our dogs, especially in this amazing area we live in.  Our dogs’ lives are so short and usually very noble.  They give all their love to us and we don’t pay attention, they look for other sources to gain love and approval from, much like children will do.  Dogs (and children) become frustrated and angry and will many times start to use destructive behaviors to gain the attention of their owner (or parent as the case may be).

Dogs are always searching for your love.  They give it so freely to us, and we in turn are too busy to return the favor.  Then, one day comes along when our beloved dog gets sick with cancer, EPI, or gets seriously injured when we weren’t paying attention, or even runs off in the woods to not return.  We may never see our dog again.

When we put down our cell phones, watch our dog we learn so much about who she is. We learn if she is afraid of other dogs or people.  If she is interested in chasing birds or squirrels.  We learn if she is more motivated by food or toys, or even loving praise.  We learn what is important to her.  As we learn more, our respect and adoration of our dog deepens. We begin to savor each moment with her and learn to be patient and how to be a leader.  We learn how to help our dog be the best she can be.  In turn, our dog learns to love us even more.  She becomes more than a warm body that accompanies us on our walk we must take on our lunch break.

I learn so much from watching my dogs play together. I learn who the leader is. I see friendship gestures and I see dominance gestures.  I see respect and joy.  In those moments, I am filled with ecstasy and that “natural high” that keeps me so enthralled by dog behavior and such love for my own dogs.  I love to watch them work at what they love and share in their joy of accomplishment!!  

So, put down your cell phone.  Watch and love who you see!  If you see behavior problems brewing, it’s time to put some positive energy into that special dog! Learn, and love your dog!

Caption:  Watching my dogs play gives such insight as to each personality, also good photo ops!