Confessions of a Dog Trainer

So, here I am, giving all my expert advice on raising a puppy; a WONDERFUL puppy, I might add!  Kalidor has learned so much over the past few weeks.  What I have shared are all the great things he is learning, but I haven’t shared the “dark side.”  I run into people in the Post Office and they ask how Kalidor is, then add, “Oh, WHY do I even ask!? I know he is FABULOUS with all the work you put into him!”  Well, yes, I have put a ton of work into him and he is doing fabulous. But here is what you haven’t heard.

Three times since I have had him, he wet in the house.  All three times, the phone rang and I was distracted.  All three times, he had gone to the door to let me know he had to go out.  And, here *I* was not paying attention!!!  All three times he was not in his crate or exercise pen as I prescribe to my clients to do!

On the way to Boise, he was safely in his crate, BUT he pulled my down jacket that was NEXT to his crate, through the side and chewed a hole all the way through the jacket, ruining the zipper. When I opened the back of the van, feathers came poofing out like a cloud and stuck all over his sweet, innocent face!  Over the years, I have had 5 down jackets ruined by my dogs pulling them through the crate or off of the coat rack to chew where they smelled treats.  You would think I would learn after the first jacket!

I didn’t close his crate well one afternoon, and within seconds I saw this black streak pass by my office door. Then back again!  Yes, in a few short minutes, I taught Kalidor that if he tried hard enough, he could escape confinement. Do you have any idea what that can mean?  It can mean he will try every barrier which can become fence climbing!!!!

I allowed him in the kitchen while I filled his Kong toy. He leaned against the cupboard door and the spring loaded hinge popped the door open!  So, guess what he learned next?!  “If I push the door, it opens!” Now he regularly goes into the kitchen to see what is behind Door Number One! I must now teach him he is not allowed in the kitchen, especially since now he can see the countertop and discovered that there is FOOD up there! 

We ALL make mistakes. Sometimes our own expertise is hard to apply to one’s self.    And we must all learn from those mistakes to do better next time!  Fortunately, nothing tragic happened to Kalidor because I was distracted on the phone, but I did have to make HUGE mental note to NOT do that again! We are all learning in the process! Even the experts!