The Essence of Brinx



I just took a photo of Brinx playing in the river.  He was looking directly back at me when I took the photo. It wasn't until later, when I blew this up that I realized there was an image in the reflection of his eyes.

Low and behold, it was me with Marcus sitting next to me. I realized at that moment, that his photo captured the essence of who Brinx is...his loyalty to me, his love for his friend (Marcus).  While Marcus is extremely ill and weak, but not without fire in his eyes to continue each day, typically a dog in a pack would take advantage of Marcus, bully him, push him around to seek higher status during Marcus' weakened state.  But, not Brinx.  He is the epitome of the loyal friend to Marcus. Such a rare find and so endearing to me.  Please enjoy this "GLIMPSE" of who Brinx is...